Winter Activities Englisch Grundschule

Winter Activities for Primary School English Classes (Englisch Grundschule)


Hey there, readers!

Are you ready to dive into a world of frosty fun and exciting English language learning? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll uncover an array of engaging winter activities that will keep your primary school students entertained while enhancing their English skills. From festive vocabulary to creative storytelling, we have got you covered! So, grab a warm cup of cocoa and let’s embark on this wintery adventure together!

Storytelling and Role-Play:

Bringing Winter Tales to Life

Immerse your students in the enchanting world of winter with captivating stories and role-playing activities. Read aloud classic winter tales such as “The Snowman” or “The Mitten” to introduce new vocabulary and ignite their imaginations. Encourage them to act out the stories, using props and costumes to bring the characters to life. This not only enhances their listening comprehension but also fosters their creativity and self-confidence.

Storytelling with a Twist

Challenge your students to create their own winter-themed stories. Provide them with a list of key vocabulary and sentence structures related to the season. Guide them through the process of planning, writing, and performing their original creations. This encourages their storytelling abilities, vocabulary development, and grammar skills.

Interactive Role-Playing Games

Design fun and interactive role-playing games that incorporate winter vocabulary and scenarios. For instance, create a game where students pretend to be snowmen trying to build the perfect snowman, using English commands and descriptions. Such games provide a dynamic and engaging way to practice language while fostering teamwork and problem-solving skills.

Vocabulary and Writing:

Winter Vocabulary Bonanza

Introduce your students to an array of winter-related vocabulary through interactive activities and games. Play vocabulary bingo, create word webs, or use flashcards to introduce new words and their meanings. Encourage them to create their own winter-themed dictionaries or glossaries, which they can refer to throughout their learning journey.

Captivating Winter Poems and Songs

Immerse your students in the beauty of language through winter-themed poems and songs. Read aloud poems such as “Winter Magic” by David McCord or “Snowflakes” by Emily Dickinson, discussing the sensory imagery and poetic devices used. Encourage them to compose their own poems or winter-themed songs, fostering their creativity and poetic expression.

Creative Writing Adventures

Embark on imaginative writing adventures with your students. Provide them with prompts or story starters related to winter. Guide them through the process of brainstorming, writing, and editing their winter-themed narratives. This not only enhances their writing skills but also encourages them to express their thoughts and feelings creatively.

Games and Activities:

Winter-Themed Games

Incorporate fun and educational winter-themed games into your lessons. Play “Winter Word Charades” where students act out winter-related words or phrases, fostering their vocabulary and communication skills. Organize a “Winter Scavenger Hunt” where they search for hidden objects or clues related to the season, enhancing their listening and comprehension abilities.

Festive Snowman Building Contest

Bring the joy of winter indoors with a festive snowman building contest. Divide your students into teams and provide them with materials such as cotton balls, paper, glue, and decorations. Encourage them to design and build the most creative and imaginative snowmen while incorporating winter-themed vocabulary. This activity not only fosters their imagination but also promotes teamwork and creativity.

Winter-Themed Arts and Crafts

Engage your students in winter-themed arts and crafts activities that promote fine motor skills and artistic expression. Create beautiful winter landscapes or snowmen with cotton balls, paper, and paint. Design winter-themed greeting cards or ornaments, using winter vocabulary and imagery.

Table: Winter Activities Overview

Activity Subcategory Skills Developed
Storytelling Classic Winter Tales Listening Comprehension, Storytelling, Vocabulary
Storytelling Creative Storytelling Story Planning, Writing, Performance
Storytelling Interactive Role-Playing Vocabulary, Teamwork, Problem-Solving
Vocabulary Winter Vocabulary Bonanza Vocabulary Introduction, Memory Enhancement
Vocabulary Winter Poems and Songs Poetic Analysis, Language Appreciation
Vocabulary Creative Writing Adventures Narrative Writing, Imagination
Games Winter-Themed Games Vocabulary, Communication, Problem-Solving
Activities Festive Snowman Building Contest Imagination, Creativity, Teamwork
Activities Winter-Themed Arts and Crafts Fine Motor Skills, Artistic Expression


Readers, we hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with an abundance of engaging and educational winter activities for your Englisch Grundschule students. By incorporating these activities into your lessons, you can create a fun, interactive, and language-rich learning environment that fosters their English skills while immersing them in the magic of the winter season. Remember to check out our other articles for more inspiring ideas on how to make English language learning a joyful and unforgettable experience for your students.

FAQ about Winter Activities for Primary School

What can we do in winter?

There are many fun activities you can do in winter, like sledding, skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, and building snowmen.

Where can we go sledding?

You can go sledding on any hill that is covered in snow. Make sure the hill is safe and doesn’t have any trees or other obstacles in the way.

What do I need to go skiing or snowboarding?

You will need skis or a snowboard, boots, and a helmet. You can also rent equipment at most ski resorts.

Where can I go ice skating?

You can go ice skating at an ice rink or on a frozen lake or pond. Make sure the ice is thick enough to skate on before you go out.

How do I build a snowman?

To build a snowman, you will need three snowballs. Roll two large snowballs for the body and one smaller snowball for the head. Stack the snowballs on top of each other and add any decorations you like.

What should I wear in the winter?

In the winter, you should wear warm clothes, like a hat, gloves, scarf, and coat. You should also wear warm boots that can keep your feet dry.

What are some safety tips for winter activities?

When doing winter activities, it is important to stay warm and dry. Dress in layers and don’t forget to cover your head, hands, and feet. Be aware of your surroundings and watch out for ice and snow.

What are some fun winter games?

There are many fun winter games you can play, like snowball fights, snow tag, and build-a-snowman contests.

How can I stay warm in the winter?

There are many ways to stay warm in the winter, like wearing warm clothes, drinking hot drinks, and staying active.

What should I do if I get lost in the winter?

If you get lost in the winter, stay calm and try to find a way back to where you came from. If you can’t find your way back, call for help.
