Store Kids Toys Organization Ideas

The Ultimate Guide to Store Kids Toys Organization Ideas


Hey there, readers! Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to banish toy clutter and create an organized haven for your little ones. As a parent, you know that a well-organized toy collection can make playtime more enjoyable and foster creativity and development. We’ve gathered our best tips and tricks to help you achieve toy storage nirvana. Let’s dive right in!

Section 1: Toy Storage Basics

Declutter and Purge

The first step towards organization is to declutter and purge the toy collection. Get rid of any broken, unused, or unwanted toys. You can donate them, sell them, or simply throw them away to make space for toys that your kids actually play with.

Categorize and Sort

Once you’ve decluttered, it’s time to categorize and sort the remaining toys. This will make it easier to find and put them away. Consider different categories such as building blocks, dolls, action figures, and books. You can also sort by age or size to make it easier to find what you need.

Section 2: Creative Storage Solutions

Wall-Mounted Shelves

Hang wall-mounted shelves to store toys that you want to keep within reach. These shelves can be open or enclosed, depending on your preference. They’re a great way to save floor space and keep toys organized.

Toy Storage Bins

Toy storage bins are a classic storage solution for a reason. They come in a variety of sizes and colors to match any décor. You can label them to make it easy to find what you’re looking for and put toys away.

Playroom Organization Ideas

If you have a dedicated playroom, there are several organization ideas that can help you keep the space clutter-free. Consider using storage cubes to organize toys, books, and games. You can also add a toy chest to store larger items.

Section 3: Maintaining Order

Toy Rotation

Toy rotation is a great way to keep your child’s toy collection fresh and interesting. Pack away half of the toys at any given time and rotate them out every few months. This will help prevent boredom and make playtime more enjoyable.

Regular Clean-Up Time

Set aside a regular time each day or week for toy clean-up. Make it a fun activity by turning up the music or playing a game. This will help kids get into the habit of tidying up and keep the toy area organized.

Table: Toy Storage Solutions

Type of Storage | Benefits | Tips—|—|— Wall-Mounted Shelves | Save floor space, keep toys within reach | Use clear bins or labels for easy identification Toy Storage Bins | Durable, versatile, labelable | Choose bins in different sizes to accommodate different toys Playroom Organization Ideas | Keeps toys organized in a dedicated space | Use storage cubes, toy chests, and shelves to maximize storage Toy Rotation | Keeps toys fresh and interesting | Pack away half of the toys and rotate them out periodically Regular Clean-Up Time | Fosters good habits and keeps toys tidy | Make clean-up fun by involving kids or playing games


There you have it, our comprehensive guide to store kids toys organization ideas. By following these tips, you can create a tidy and organized space for your little ones to play and learn. Remember, the key to toy organization is to find solutions that work for your family and lifestyle. So get creative, have fun, and enjoy the benefits of an organized toy collection.

If you’re looking for more tips on how to organize your home, be sure to check out our other articles on topics like kitchen organization and closet organization.

FAQ about Store Kids Toys Organization Ideas

1. How can I organize small toys that my kids have a lot of?

  • Use clear storage containers with lids to keep them organized and easy to find.
  • Label the containers with the type of toys inside so you can easily see what’s inside without having to open every box.
  • Use drawer organizers or dividers to keep small toys separated within larger drawers or bins.

2. How do I keep toys off the floor and tidy?

  • Use baskets or bins to store toys that can be easily picked up and put away.
  • Designate specific areas for different types of toys, such as a bin for stuffed animals and a basket for building blocks.
  • Encourage your kids to help tidy up by putting their toys away in their designated spots.

3. What are some creative storage solutions for kids’ toys?

  • Suspend hanging organizers from the ceiling or walls to maximize vertical space.
  • Repurpose old items like shoe organizers, spice racks, or drawer organizers to store toys.
  • Use decorative storage pieces like toy chests or baskets to blend storage with home décor.

4. How do I organize toys in a small space?

  • Utilize vertical storage by stacking shelves, drawers, and containers.
  • Use multi-functional furniture like ottoman with hidden storage or toy chests that can double as seating.
  • Consider using under-the-bed storage containers for seasonal toys or items that are not used frequently.

5. How can I display kids’ toys while keeping them organized?

  • Use floating shelves or wall-mounted hooks to display special toys or collectibles.
  • Create a designated play area with open storage where kids can easily access their favorite toys.
  • Use clear storage containers or acrylic organizers to display toys while keeping them contained and tidy.

6. How do I organize my child’s toys by age or developmental stage?

  • Label storage containers with the age range or developmental stage of the toys they contain.
  • Separate toys into different areas based on their use, such as books, art supplies, or building materials.
  • Encourage your child to participate in organizing their toys so they can identify what belongs where.

7. How do I organize toys for multiple children?

  • Use color-coded storage containers or labels to assign a specific color to each child.
  • Dedicate separate storage areas for each child’s toys to avoid mixing.
  • Encourage siblings to share and collaborate on organizing their shared toys.

8. How do I make toy organization a fun and engaging activity for kids?

  • Involve your kids in the organization process by letting them help choose storage solutions and decorate containers.
  • Create a game or competition to see who can put away their toys the fastest or organize their space the best.
  • Use playful storage bins or containers that match your child’s interests, such as animal-shaped baskets or character-themed storage bags.

9. How often should I declutter and reorganize my kids’ toys?

  • Regularly check your child’s toy collection and remove any toys that are broken, unused, or no longer age-appropriate.
  • Reorganize the toys as your child grows and their interests change to ensure easy access to their favorites.
  • Consider donating or passing on toys that are no longer used to make space for new experiences and toys.

10. How can I teach my kids good toy organization habits?

  • Start early by showing your child how to put away their toys after use.
  • Establish clear expectations and routines for tidying up toys.
  • Model good organization habits so your kids can learn from your example.
  • Provide positive reinforcement and praise your kids when they help keep their toys organized.
