Sensory Activities for Toddlers: Exploring the Animal Kingdom


Hey readers,

Are you looking for engaging and educational sensory activities for your little toddlers that will spark their curiosity about the animal kingdom? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll dive into a world of textures, sounds, and scents that will nurture your toddler’s senses and ignite their fascination with animals. So, grab your toddler, some animal-themed materials, and let’s embark on an unforgettable sensory adventure!

Sensory Activities for Toddlers: Animals

Touch and Feel: Animal Texture Exploration

Introduce your toddler to the diverse textures found in the animal kingdom. Gather objects like animal figurines, faux fur, feathers, and even animal crackers. Let them explore these textures with their hands, encouraging them to describe what they feel. This activity not only stimulates their sense of touch but also fosters their vocabulary development.

Sounds of the Wild: Animal Sound Recognition

Toddlers are captivated by sounds, and what better way to introduce them to animals than through their unique vocalizations? Create an animal sound guessing game by playing recordings of different animal sounds. Encourage your toddler to imitate the sounds and guess which animal is making them. This activity sharpens their auditory perception and teaches them animal names.

Animal Scents: Exploring the Aromas of Nature

Engage your toddler’s sense of smell by introducing them to the scents associated with animals. Use essential oils like lavender (for relaxation) or citrus (for energy) to create sensory bottles. Alternatively, you can spray animal-themed scents around the room and have your toddler guess which animal it represents. This activity fosters their sense of smell and sparks their imagination.

Hands-On Animal Crafts

Paper Plate Animal Masks

Provide your toddler with paper plates, markers, glue, and various animal-themed materials like felt, yarn, and glitter. Encourage them to create their own animal masks. Not only will this be a fun and creative activity, but it will also enhance their fine motor skills and imaginative play.

Animal Handprint and Footprint Art

Turn your toddler’s hands and feet into animal creations! Dip their hands or feet in non-toxic paint and guide them in making prints on paper. Together, transform these prints into adorable animal shapes, using markers or crayons to add details. This activity fosters their creativity and allows them to express themselves through art.

Animal Sensory Bin

Fill a container with various animal-themed items like figurines, toys, blocks, and sensory materials like sand or rice. Hide small animal figurines within the sensory bin and encourage your toddler to search for them. This activity promotes their fine motor skills, problem-solving abilities, and sensory exploration.

Sensory Table: Animal Safari

Animal Habitat Sensory Table

Create a miniature animal habitat on a sensory table. Use sand, pebbles, and plants to mimic different environments. Provide animal figurines and encourage your toddler to explore the habitat, discovering the animals’ hiding spots and habitats. This activity fosters their curiosity, imagination, and understanding of animal ecosystems.

Animal Sensory Soup

Transform a large bin or container into a sensory soup. Fill it with different textured materials like water beads, cooked pasta, or lentils. Hide small animal figurines within the soup and encourage your toddler to find them using their hands or a spoon. This activity strengthens their sensory and tactile skills and provides a unique and engaging play experience.


Sensory activities are a wonderful way to nurture your toddler’s development while fostering their love for animals. From exploring textures to recognizing sounds and creating animal-themed crafts, these activities provide a rich and stimulating environment for learning and play. So, head to the craft store, gather some animal-themed materials, and embark on this sensory adventure with your toddler. Don’t forget to check out our other articles for more exciting sensory activities that will spark your toddler’s imagination!

FAQ about Sensory Activities for Toddlers with Animals

What are sensory activities, and why are they important for toddlers with animals?

Sensory activities are experiences that stimulate a child’s senses, such as their sense of sight, hearing, touch, smell, or taste. These activities help toddlers develop their cognitive, motor, and social skills while also providing opportunities for them to learn more about animals.

What are some simple sensory activities that I can do with my toddler and animals?

Some simple sensory activities that you can do with your toddler and animals include:

  • Animal sound matching: Play recordings of different animal sounds and have your toddler try to match the sounds to the correct animals.
  • Animal texture exploration: Collect various animal-themed items, such as stuffed animals, animal figurines, or animal-shaped blocks, and let your toddler explore their different textures.
  • Animal smell identification: Gather some animal-related scents, such as pet food, animal poop, or animal toys, and let your toddler smell them and try to identify the animals they belong to.
  • Animal taste investigation: Offer your toddler small pieces of different animal foods, such as animal crackers, pet treats, or canned animal food, and let them taste them and describe their flavors.
  • Animal art projects: Provide your toddler with animal-themed art supplies, such as animal shapes, animal stamps, or animal paint, and let them create their own animal artwork.

How often should I do sensory activities with my toddler?

Sensory activities can be done as often as you and your toddler like. Some toddlers may enjoy doing them daily, while others may prefer them once or twice a week.

What are some benefits of doing sensory activities with toddlers and animals?

Some of the benefits of doing sensory activities with toddlers with animals include:

  • Cognitive development: Sensory activities help toddlers develop their cognitive skills, such as their problem-solving, memory, and language skills.
  • Motor development: Sensory activities help toddlers develop their motor skills, such as their fine and gross motor skills.
  • Social development: Sensory activities help toddlers develop their social skills, such as their communication and cooperation skills.

How can I adapt sensory activities to my toddler’s individual needs?

You can adapt sensory activities to your toddler’s individual needs by considering their developmental level, interests, and sensory preferences. For example, if your toddler is sensitive to loud noises, you can choose activities that are more calming and quiet.

What are some safety tips for doing sensory activities with toddlers and animals?

Some safety tips for doing sensory activities with toddlers and animals include:

  • Supervise your toddler at all times.
  • Choose activities that are appropriate for your toddler’s age and development level.
  • Make sure that your toddler is not allergic to any of the animals or materials involved in the activity.
  • Keep all materials clean and free of germs.

Where can I find more sensory activities for toddlers with animals?

There are many websites and books that provide ideas for sensory activities for toddlers with animals. You can also find sensory activities in your local library or community center.

How can I incorporate sensory activities into my toddler’s daily routine?

Sensory activities can be easily incorporated into your toddler’s daily routine. For example, you can read your toddler an animal story while doing animal sound matching, or you can give your toddler a stuffed animal to play with while they eat their breakfast.

What are some fun animal-themed sensory bins that I can make for my toddler?

Some fun animal-themed sensory bins that you can make for your toddler include:

  • Animal habitat sensory bin: Fill a bin with sand, dirt, rocks, and other materials found in different animal habitats.
  • Animal food sensory bin: Fill a bin with different types of animal food, such as pet food, animal crackers, and canned animal food.
  • Animal sound sensory bin: Fill a bin with different animal-shaped objects that make different sounds, such as animal figurines, animal instruments, and animal toys.
