New Years Prek Activities

New Year’s Pre-K Activities: Ringing in the New Year with Fun and Learning

Greetings, readers! As we bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new, let’s explore some exciting and educational activities that will enhance your pre-kindergartener’s New Year’s celebration. From festive crafts to engaging games, we’ve got you covered with a range of activities that will make this New Year’s a memorable one for your little learners.

New Year’s Countdown


  • Paper plate
  • Markers or crayons
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  1. Create a paper plate clock: Draw a circle on the paper plate and cut it out. Divide the circle into twelve equal sections, each representing an hour on the clock.
  2. Decorate the clock: Using markers or crayons, add numbers to each section and decorate the clock with New Year’s-themed drawings, such as fireworks or a countdown timer.
  3. Practice counting down: Help your child learn the numbers and the concept of counting down to zero to ring in the New Year.

New Year’s Resolution Puppets


  • Paper bags
  • Markers or crayons
  • Construction paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  1. Create the puppets: Cut the bottom off a paper bag and make a small hole in the center. Then, fold the top of the bag over the hole and glue it down, creating a puppet head. Use markers or crayons to draw a face on the head.
  2. Design a resolution: Using construction paper, help your child write or draw a New Year’s resolution for the puppet. This can be anything from “be kind to others” to “learn to tie my shoes.”
  3. Practice presenting resolutions: Encourage your child to practice presenting their resolution to the puppet, helping them develop their speaking skills and confidence.

New Year’s Sensory Bin


  • Plastic bin
  • Rice or beans
  • Small toys or objects related to New Year’s, such as confetti, balloons, or fireworks
  • Spoons or scoops
  1. Fill the bin: Fill the plastic bin with rice or beans, leaving a few inches of space at the top.
  2. Add New Year’s items: Hide small toys or objects related to New Year’s in the bin, such as confetti, balloons, or fireworks.
  3. Explore and learn: Let your child explore the bin, using spoons or scoops to dig and find the hidden objects. This activity encourages sensory play, fine motor skills, and language development.

Table of New Year’s Pre-K Activities

Activity Materials Skills Developed
New Year’s Countdown Paper plate, markers, scissors, glue Number recognition, counting, fine motor skills
New Year’s Resolution Puppets Paper bags, markers, construction paper, glue, scissors Fine motor skills, creativity, speaking skills, social skills
New Year’s Sensory Bin Plastic bin, rice or beans, New Year’s-themed toys Sensory play, fine motor skills, language development, imagination
New Year’s Bingo Bingo cards, markers Vocabulary, listening skills, social skills
New Year’s Craft: Fireworks Construction paper, markers, glue, glitter Fine motor skills, creativity, spatial reasoning
New Year’s Music and Movement Music player, instruments Rhythm, coordination, body awareness
New Year’s Nature Walk Nature items Observation skills, language development, physical activity


As you celebrate the arrival of the New Year with your pre-kindergartner, embrace these engaging activities to make their learning journey even more memorable. Whether it’s counting down to midnight with a paper plate clock or exploring a New Year’s sensory bin, each activity is designed to foster your child’s development while ringing in the new year with joy and excitement.

Don’t forget to check out our other articles for more ideas on how to make your pre-kindergartner’s educational journey a resounding success. Happy New Year to you and your little learner!

FAQ about New Year’s Pre-K Activities

### Q: What is the best way to introduce the concept of New Year’s to preschoolers?

A: Start by talking about the change in the calendar and the idea of a new year beginning. You can also show them pictures of New Year’s decorations and activities.

### Q: What are some fun and easy New Year’s activities for preschoolers?

A: Some fun and easy New Year’s activities for preschoolers include making noisemakers, creating a New Year’s countdown clock, and decorating the classroom with New Year’s decorations.

### Q: How can I make New Year’s activities developmentally appropriate for preschoolers?

A: When planning New Year’s activities for preschoolers, be sure to choose activities that are simple and easy to understand. You can also make the activities more developmentally appropriate by incorporating them into your regular preschool routine.

### Q: What are some ways to incorporate New Year’s activities into my preschool curriculum?

A: There are many ways to incorporate New Year’s activities into your preschool curriculum. For example, you could read books about New Year’s, sing songs about New Year’s, and have the children create New Year’s crafts.

### Q: How can I make New Year’s activities inclusive for all learners?

A: When planning New Year’s activities for preschoolers, be sure to choose activities that are inclusive for all learners. This means choosing activities that are appropriate for all ages, abilities, and cultures.

### Q: What are some tips for managing New Year’s activities in a preschool classroom?

A: Here are some tips for managing New Year’s activities in a preschool classroom:

  • Plan ahead and prepare materials in advance.

  • Set up the classroom to encourage participation and minimize distractions.

  • Provide clear instructions for each activity.

  • Supervise children closely during activities.

  • Be flexible and adjust activities as needed.

### Q: How can I use New Year’s activities to promote social and emotional development in preschoolers?

A: New Year’s activities can be used to promote social and emotional development in preschoolers in a number of ways. For example, activities that involve cooperation and teamwork can help children to develop their social skills. Activities that involve self-expression can help children to develop their emotional skills.

### Q: How can I use New Year’s activities to promote cognitive development in preschoolers?

A: New Year’s activities can be used to promote cognitive development in preschoolers in a number of ways. For example, activities that involve counting and sorting can help children to develop their math skills. Activities that involve following instructions can help children to develop their listening skills.

### Q: How can I use New Year’s activities to promote physical development in preschoolers?

A: New Year’s activities can be used to promote physical development in preschoolers in a number of ways. For example, activities that involve movement can help children to develop their gross motor skills. Activities that involve fine motor skills can help children to develop their fine motor skills.

### Q: How can I use New Year’s activities to promote language and literacy development in preschoolers?

A: New Year’s activities can be used to promote language and literacy development in preschoolers in a number of ways. For example, activities that involve singing songs can help children to develop their language skills. Activities that involve reading books can help children to develop their literacy skills.
