New Years Activities For Toddlers: Ring in the New Year with Fun and Festivity


Hey readers,

As the year draws to a close and we prepare to welcome the arrival of a new one, let’s not forget about our little ones! New Year’s Eve is a time for celebration, reflection, and anticipation, and there’s no reason why toddlers can’t join in on the fun. In this article, we’ll provide you with a plethora of New Year’s activities for toddlers that will keep them entertained, engaged, and help them create unforgettable memories.

Whether you’re looking for quiet activities, energetic games, or creative crafts, we’ve got you covered. So, gather your toddlers, get ready for some New Year’s merriments, and let’s ring in the New Year with a bang!

Sensory-Friendly New Years Activities

Light Up the Night with Fireworks

Fireworks are a staple of New Year’s Eve celebrations, but they can be too loud and overwhelming for toddlers. Instead, create a safe and sensory-friendly fireworks experience by using glow sticks and sparklers. Dim the lights, turn on some soothing music, and let your toddlers wave their glow sticks and twirl their sparklers. The bright colors and gentle lights will provide them with a magical and enchanting experience.

Countdown with Sensory Bin Fun

Encourage your toddlers to participate in the countdown to midnight with a sensory bin. Fill a large bin with different materials that represent the numbers 1 through 12, such as sand, beans, or small objects. As the clock strikes each hour, let your toddlers search for the corresponding number in the bin. This activity not only helps them practice counting but also provides them with a tactile and sensory experience.

Energetic New Years Games

Balloon Countdown Drop

Transform regular balloons into a festive New Year’s game. Blow up 12 balloons, each representing an hour of the countdown. Decorate the balloons with numbers or write down New Year’s resolutions. As the clock strikes each hour, pop one balloon and announce the number or read the resolution aloud. Encourage your toddlers to dance around and cheer as the balloons burst.

Musical Resolutions

Add a twist to the classic game of musical chairs by incorporating New Year’s resolutions. Write down different resolutions on pieces of paper and scatter them on the floor. Play some music and have your toddlers dance around. When the music stops, they must find a piece of paper and read aloud the resolution they picked. This activity encourages reflection and provides a fun way to discuss New Year’s goals.

Creative New Years Crafts

Fingerprint Fireworks

Create a festive and artistic keepsake with fingerprint fireworks. Dip your toddlers’ fingers into different colored paints and have them make fingerprint dots on a piece of paper. Once the paint dries, connect the dots with lines to create colorful fireworks. This activity promotes fine motor skills and creativity.

New Year’s Time Capsule

Help your toddlers create a time capsule filled with mementos and memories of the past year. Gather items such as drawings, photos, letters, and small toys that represent their experiences. Decorate a box or jar together and fill it with the items. Seal it up and agree to open it again next New Year’s Eve. This activity fosters a sense of nostalgia and excitement for the future.

New Years Activities Table

Activity Description Toddlers’ Skills Developed
Fireworks with Glow Sticks Safe and sensory-friendly fireworks experience using glow sticks and sparklers Fine motor skills, visual stimulation
Sensory Bin Countdown Practice counting and enjoy a tactile experience by searching for numbers in a sensory bin Number recognition, sensory processing
Balloon Countdown Drop Burst balloons representing each hour of the countdown and announce resolutions Fine motor skills, gross motor skills, social skills
Musical Resolutions Dance and learn about New Year’s resolutions written on paper scattered on the floor Gross motor skills, language skills, problem-solving
Fingerprint Fireworks Create colorful fireworks by dipping toddlers’ fingers into paint and making fingerprint dots Fine motor skills, creativity, self-expression
New Year’s Time Capsule Create a time capsule filled with mementos of the past year Creative thinking, storytelling, time management


As the New Year approaches, it’s the perfect opportunity to create lasting memories with your toddlers. The activities outlined in this article offer a blend of fun, creativity, and excitement that will make their New Year’s Eve celebration truly unforgettable. So, gather your little ones, embrace the festive spirit, and ring in the New Year with a bang of joy and laughter.

Don’t forget to check out our other articles for more New Year’s activities, party ideas, and family-friendly fun. Happy New Year from all of us to all of you!

FAQ about New Years Activities for Toddlers

What are some simple New Year’s decorations I can make with my toddler?

Create sparkly streamers by cutting strips of paper and gluing shiny sequins or glitter. Make a festive countdown chain by gluing or taping numbered paper circles to a string.

How can I help my toddler understand the concept of “New Year”?

Explain that when the clock strikes twelve, it’s a new day called New Year’s Day. Tell them that everyone celebrates with fireworks and sparkly things.

What kind of music can I play to create a festive atmosphere?

Play upbeat and lively music with a New Year’s theme, such as “Auld Lang Syne” or instrumental covers of popular tunes. Encourage your toddler to dance and sing along.

What are some age-appropriate New Year’s Eve games?

Play “Pin the Bow Tie on the Clock” using a large cardboard clock and paper bow ties. Hide confetti in balloons for a fun popping game. Set up a sensory bin filled with glitter, beads, and streamers for them to explore.

How can I create a special countdown for my toddler?

Use a small piece of paper to write down “10” and place it on the table. Every minute, have your toddler tear off a number until it reaches “0.” Say “Happy New Year!” and give them a hug.

What are some healthy New Year’s Eve snacks for toddlers?

Offer sliced fruits (grapes, strawberries, bananas), vegetable sticks (carrots, celery), or small pizzas with whole-wheat crust and healthy toppings.

How can I keep my toddler entertained while waiting for midnight?

Set up a play area with age-appropriate toys, books, and building blocks. Encourage them to create their own noisemakers by banging on pots and pans (with adult supervision).

How can I handle my toddler’s potential excitement and bedtime routine?

Start their bedtime routine early to give them plenty of time to wind down. Explain that it’s important to be quiet at midnight so they don’t scare away the New Year.

How can I capture the special moments of the night?

Take lots of photos and videos of your toddler celebrating and create a scrapbook or online album for memories. Encourage them to draw or paint their own New Year’s pictures.

What should I do if my toddler is afraid of the fireworks?

Reassure them that the loud noises are just celebrations, like thunder in the sky. Offer them earplugs or a quiet spot in the house where they can watch the fireworks from afar.
