Diy Infant Toys Homemade Baby Activities

DIY Infant Toys and Homemade Baby Activities: A Guide for Creative Parents


Hey readers! Welcome to our ultimate guide to creating your own DIY infant toys and engaging in homemade baby activities. Whether you’re a seasoned parent or a first-time mom or dad, this article will provide you with countless ideas for fostering your little one’s development and imagination.

As parents, we know that every moment with our infants is precious. DIY infant toys and homemade baby activities are a wonderful way to not only bond with your child but also stimulate their cognitive, motor, and sensory skills. So grab your crafting supplies and get ready to create some amazing toys and activities for your little one!

DIY Infant Toys

Sensory Stimulation Toys

  • Tactile Bottles: Fill clear plastic bottles with various materials like beans, rice, sand, or water and glitter. These tactile bottles provide infants with a fun and interactive way to explore different textures.
  • Sensory Bags: Create sensory bags by filling clear Ziploc bags with colorful gels, paints, or shaving cream. Tape the bag closed and let your infant squeeze, squish, and feel the different textures.

Cognitive and Motor Development Toys

  • Crinkle Books: Sew or glue together colorful fabric squares or paper to create a book. Fill each page with different materials like crinkle paper, beads, or bells, stimulating your infant’s auditory and tactile senses.
  • DIY Teethers: Explore different teething options like crocheting a ring, using a frozen washcloth, or creating a teether toy with natural materials like wood or silicone.

Imaginative Play Toys

  • Felt Board: Cut out different felt shapes and let your infant stick them on a felt board. They’ll have a blast creating their own imaginative stories and scenes.
  • Puppet Show: Create finger puppets or use household items like socks or gloves. Put on your own puppet show for your infant, developing their language and social skills.

Homemade Baby Activities

Sensory Activities

  • Water Play: Fill a shallow tub with warm water and let your infant splash and play. Add floating toys or bubbles for added fun.
  • Sand Play: Create a mini sandpit indoors using a small plastic box filled with sand. Let your infant explore the sand with their hands and feet, enhancing their tactile and motor skills.

Language and Cognitive Activities

  • Sing-a-Longs: Sing your favorite nursery rhymes or make up your own songs. Infants love music and it helps develop their language and cognitive skills.
  • Storytelling: Read books to your infant, even at a young age. Reading aloud helps them learn new words and develop a love for literature.

Physical and Motor Activities

  • Tummy Time: Encourage your infant to spend time on their tummy, strengthening their neck and back muscles. Place toys around them to encourage them to reach and crawl.
  • Yoga for Babies: There are many simple yoga poses that you can do with your infant. These poses help with their flexibility, balance, and coordination.

Table of DIY Infant Toys and Homemade Baby Activities

Type Toy/Activity Materials
Sensory Stimulation Tactile Bottles Clear plastic bottles, beans, rice, sand, water, glitter
Cognitive Development Crinkle Books Fabric squares or paper, crinkle paper, beads, bells
Motor Development DIY Teethers Crochet yarn, frozen washcloth, wood, silicone
Imaginative Play Felt Board Felt squares, felt board
Sensory Activity Water Play Shallow tub, warm water, floating toys, bubbles
Language Development Sing-a-Longs Nursery rhymes, songs
Physical Activity Yoga for Babies None (use your body)


We hope this guide has inspired you with countless ideas for creating your own DIY infant toys and homemade baby activities. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and bond with your little one.

If you enjoyed this article, be sure to check out our other helpful parenting resources. Happy crafting and playing!

FAQ about DIY Infant Toys and Homemade Baby Activities

1. What are some easy DIY infant toys?

  • Sensory bottles: Fill clear bottles with various items like water, oil, glitter, and food coloring for visual and tactile stimulation.
  • Crinkle toys: Fold paper or fabric, sew it together, and fill it with rice or beans for a crinkly sound that attracts babies.
  • Teething bracelets: Thread teething beads or textured items onto a soft ribbon for babies to chew on.

2. How can I make homemade playdough?

  • Mix 1 cup of flour, 1/2 cup of salt, and 1/2 cup of water.
  • Add food coloring if desired.
  • Knead until smooth and pliable.

3. What are some interactive homemade activities for babies?

  • Peek-a-boo: Hide behind a blanket or object and pop out, encouraging social interaction and language development.
  • Sensory bins: Fill a container with various textures and materials like sand, rice, or beans for exploration and tactile stimulation.
  • Messy play: Spread out non-toxic materials like whipped cream, cornstarch, or finger paint for sensory and imaginative play.

4. What materials are safe for DIY baby toys?

  • Use non-toxic, lead-free materials like fabric, felt, wood, and BPA-free plastics.
  • Avoid toys with sharp edges or small pieces that could pose choking hazards.

5. How often should I clean DIY baby toys?

  • Wash fabric toys regularly with mild detergent.
  • Wipe down plastic or wood toys with a damp cloth.
  • Disinfect toys made with natural materials like wood or bamboo.

6. Can I use recycled materials to make baby toys?

  • Yes, repurpose clean and safe items like cardboard, egg cartons, and plastic bottles to create baby-friendly toys.

7. How do I make a baby rattle?

  • Fill a small container like a plastic bottle or egg carton with beans, rice, or beads.
  • Seal the container and decorate it with ribbon or fabric.

8. What are some calming activities for infants?

  • Rock, sing, or hum to create a soothing environment.
  • Offer a warm bath or massage to relax baby.
  • Place baby in a swing or rocking chair for gentle movement.

9. How can I encourage my baby’s fine motor skills?

  • Provide toys with different textures and shapes for grasping, squeezing, and manipulating.
  • Play finger games like “This Little Piggy” to encourage hand coordination.

10. What are some age-appropriate DIY toys for my 6-month-old baby?

  • Teething rings made with frozen fruit or vegetables.
  • Stuffed animals with different textures and sounds.
  • Activity mats with mirrors, rattles, and teethers.
