Baby Announcing Ideas Kids

Baby Announcing Ideas that Kids Will Love

Hello readers!

When you’re expecting a new baby, it’s a joyous time to share the news with your loved ones. And if you have kids, they can be some of the most excited people to know! Making the announcement to your kids can be a special and memorable moment, but it can also be tricky to figure out how to do it in a way that’s both exciting and age-appropriate.

To help you out, we’ve come up with some creative ideas for how to announce your pregnancy to your kids using simple and funny methods. Whether you want to keep it simple or go all out, we’ve got you covered. So get ready to make some memories and share the good news with your little ones!

Creative Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy to Your Kids

1. The Sibling Sibling Reveal

Involve your older child(ren) in the announcement by having them wear a shirt or hold a sign that says “I’m going to be a big brother/sister!” or “Baby on board!” This is a cute and straightforward way to let your kids know that they’re getting a new sibling.

2. The Sonogram Surprise

If you’ve already had your first ultrasound, show your kids the sonogram and let them see the baby for themselves. This is a great way to make the announcement more real and tangible for them. You can also ask them to help you choose a name for the baby or guess the gender.

3. The Storybook Surprise

Read your kids a storybook about pregnancy or new babies. As you read the story, pause at a key moment and tell them that you have a special announcement to make. Then, share the news that you’re expecting a baby!

4. The Counting Surprise

If your kids are old enough to understand numbers, you can use a counting game to announce your pregnancy. Start by counting to ten, and then pause and say, “And one more!” This is a fun and simple way to let your kids know that there’s a new addition on the way.

5. The Scavenger Hunt Surprise

Hide clues around the house that lead to a final clue that reveals your pregnancy announcement. This is a great way to get your kids excited and involved in the announcement.

6. The Baking Surprise

Make a batch of cookies or cupcakes with a special message inside, such as “We’re expecting a baby!” or “Guess what? You’re going to be a big brother/sister!” This is a delicious way to share the news with your kids.

7. The Puzzle Surprise

Create a puzzle with a picture of a baby or a message announcing your pregnancy. Have your kids help you solve the puzzle, and then share the news with them once they’ve figured it out.

Fun Activities for Kids to Share the News

Once you’ve announced your pregnancy to your kids, there are plenty of fun activities you can do together to celebrate. Here are a few ideas:

  • Make a pregnancy announcement sign. Let your kids help you design and create a sign that you can use to announce your pregnancy to the world.
  • Take a family photo. Capture the moment with a special family photo that you can cherish for years to come.
  • Plant a tree. Plant a tree in your yard or in a special place to commemorate the arrival of your new baby.
  • Write a letter to the baby. Have your kids write letters to the baby, sharing their hopes and dreams for their new sibling.
  • Make a baby shower. Throw a baby shower for your kids, complete with games, food, and prizes. This is a great way to get them excited about the baby’s arrival.

Sibling Announcement Ideas

Here are some creative ways to have your older child announce the arrival of their new sibling to the world:

Announcement Idea Example
T-shirt Announcement Have your child wear a t-shirt that says “I’m going to be a big brother/sister!” or “Baby on board!”
Sign Announcement Have your child hold a sign that says “We’re expecting a baby!” or “Guess what? You’re going to be a big brother/sister!”
Social Media Announcement Post a photo of your child on social media with a caption announcing the arrival of their new sibling.
Video Announcement Create a video of your child announcing the arrival of their new sibling. Share the video on social media or send it to friends and family.
Letter Announcement Have your child write a letter to friends and family announcing the arrival of their new sibling.


Announcing your pregnancy to your kids is a special and memorable moment. With a little creativity, you can make the announcement even more special and exciting. We hope these ideas have given you some inspiration for how to announce your pregnancy to your kids.

Once you’ve made the announcement, there are plenty of fun activities you can do together to celebrate. So get ready to make some memories and share the good news with your little ones!

And don’t forget to check out our other articles for more tips on pregnancy, parenting, and family life.

FAQ about Baby Announcing Ideas Kids

How can kids help announce the pregnancy?

Answer: Kids can be involved in the announcement by holding a sign, wearing a “big sister/brother” shirt, or creating a special artwork that reveals the news.

What should be included in the announcement?

Answer: The announcement should include the expected due date, the baby’s gender (if known), and a special message from the kids.

Can kids write a letter to their future sibling?

Answer: Yes, kids can write a sweet and imaginative letter to their unborn sibling, expressing their excitement and anticipation.

How can older kids be included in the announcement?

Answer: Older kids can help by taking photos or videos, writing a poem or song, or creating a social media campaign to share the news.

How can babies be dressed for the announcement?

Answer: Babies can be dressed in cute onesies with phrases like “Coming Soon” or “Little Peanut,” or wrapped in a blanket with the announcement printed on it.

What are some creative ways to involve kids in the announcement?

Answer: Kids can draw or paint their own announcement signs, build a cardboard castle for the baby, or create a stop-motion video with toys.

Can kids be part of the gender reveal announcement?

Answer: Yes, kids can help with the gender reveal by popping a balloon, cutting into a cake, or releasing confetti.

How can kids help make the announcement special for the parents?

Answer: Kids can sing a song, recite a poem, or give their parents a heartfelt hug to express their joy and excitement.

What are some ideas for gender-neutral announcements?

Answer: Gender-neutral announcements can include phrases like “Two little hearts, one big love,” “Sweet bundle of joy on the way,” or “Our tiny humans are on the horizon.”

How can friends and family be included in the announcement?

Answer: Friends and family can be sent a special message or photo, or invited to participate in the announcement on social media or video chat.
